As one of America’s longest running folk music acts, they find themselves among an elite group of entertainers that include The Kingston Trio, Peter Paul & Mary, and The Limelighters. The Windsor Creek Trio have performed for presidents and have toured with acts as diverse as Bob Hope, Roy Rogers, Bobby Vee and The (formerly Dixie) Chicks.
Through various incarnations for 55 years, The Windsor Creek Trio has toured the world playing great American music in a show that appeals to every generation. Each performance excites, inspires and entertains, evoking musical memories for some and introducing new generations to the immortal music of the American West.
The Windsor Creek Trio’s strength is its history. Having served this country as career Air Force veterans, they understand the importance of the American way of life and the challenges that have always faced her citizens. Their current “Under American Skies” tour is a tribute to America’s resilience in the face of adversity.
Blending beautiful three part harmonies, humor and skillful instrumentation, your audience will be thoroughly entertained.
If you’re looking for a show that inspires as well as entertains, then the Windsor Creek Trio is perfect for you.
Meet the band
Col Dave Woodruff (USAF Ret) founded the group in Albuquerque, New Mexico at the University of New Mexico in 1968. Dave’s father, TD, was bass player for Len Slye who would go on to become Roy Rogers. Modeled in part after the Kingston Trio, the group began playing a mix of traditional folk music and originals. Dave went on to record as an artist for Capitol Records. Dave plays acoustic and electric guitar, banjo and supplies the lead vocals. His jokes are terrible.
Col George Giganti (USAF Ret) has been with the band for over 50 years. After leaving the Air Force, he and his wife and family settled on the Emerald coast of the Florida panhandle. George became a commercial pilot, once again traveling the world. George is probably the most talented of the group, singing tenor, playing guitar, a smokin’ banjo, harmonica and just about any instrument he takes a fancy to.
Jose Antonio Ponce is the youngster of the group. He joined some 35 years ago when the group’s bass player retired to enjoy the married life. Jose spends his free time writing books, working in film and TV as an actor, producer and screenwriter. He maintains the group’s website. (Dave wanted to know how much Jose was paid to list George as the most talented member of the band. Surprisingly, not that much.) Jose plays bass for the group and sings high harmony.
Booking the Windsor Creek Trio is as easy as 1,2,3!
Send us an e-mail with the details of your corporate, non-profit or private event or call Dave at 505-263-8844 with any questions you might have. We’ve provided a printable form for your convenience or simply fill out the form below with all the where’s, what’s and how’s.
2. Take a look at our Electronic Press Kit (EPK) There you’ll find photos, videos, samples of music, press clippings and everything you need to market our performance at your event.
3. Put us on your calendar. You can print or download a contract or we can send you one via e-mail, snail mail…any way you like!
The Windsor Creek Trio will customize a show to your linking. Our contract is flexible and we can usually fit your performance into our schedule.
Here’s everything you need to know about the Windsor Creek Trio. Listen to our music, view a video or peruse our gallery. While the band goes back over 50 years, our media is current. Once you’ve had a look around, head over to our booking page for all the details on how you can add the Windsor Creek Trio to your event.
Feeling old fashioned? (So do we.) If you’d prefer that we send you a package with all of the above, no problem. Just contact us and we will put something in the mail for you ASAP.
Here’s the basic info:
The Windsor Creek Trio. Patriotic, Family Friendly Fun.
Promotional Gallery
Use this logo to market the Windsor Creek Trio
….or you can use this one if you like.
The Under American Skies CD cover
The In Concert CD cover
Some “candid” photos of the band.
Okay. That’s enough of that. How about some music?
Wayfaring Stranger-TraditionalWhiskey in the Jar (Gilgarra Mountain)-TraditionalOne Song Away From a Hit-Dave WoodruffThe Golden State-Dave WoodruffUnder American Skies-Dave Woodruff
We sound good, but how do we look? How about some video?
Our dear friend, companion, and WSP Manager for over 30 years Rusty Dunn (center) recently passed away at the age of 84. She was the foundation for Windsor Creek Trio early days as a venue booking agent in the South and Mid West USA. For years, she did all office logistical mailings and publicity. She even made sure that our uniforms were pressed and in our dressing room when we arrived at the venue.
Rusty booked us onto tours with the Kingston Trio, The Four Lads and for events like Dodge City founders day, several state fairs and even Bob Hope’s birthday party. We miss her and give her son and family and our prayers and support for the days ahead. We love Rusty and her wonderful family.. The Windsors ……….Jose , Dave , and George
In Chama2012 video shootWith Bobby VeeChama. All dressed upDave getting flirtyIn FloridaPublicity stillDave on the roadVee in Las CrucesJoseRecording the show liveEntertaining the old folksDave recording Golden StateJose SoloGeorge interviewedDave and George rehearseJeff Harrison (AZ Trio), Logan David-3rd Gen Windsor playing the original Windsor long neck Vega 5 string along with fans Tiff and Rick